started with two founders: Kate & Braden
As residents of Gainesville, FL we realized that there were only so many activities/events our community could participate in.
With a game plan in mind, we explored Florida as a pop-up vendor at local markets to learn from the best vendors out there and be able to implement what we learned as we went!
Within a year, we were able to open a trendy and fun brick & mortar location in Gainesville and brought the community together in a wholesome memorable way with workshops and special events.
Eventually, we expanded to making Iced Superfood Lattes at pop up events and they got so popular that we started catering for the University of Florida as well as parties and private events at the shop.
Long story short, we outgrew our shop location as it didn't accommodate our new drink venture and are now onto the next chapter of our journey to find a new location for our future cafe & retail shop!!
We've been vlogging our adventure thus far with BTS store content, market prep, travel recs, cafe hopping, business expo content, etc. on our Youtube channel so be sure to subscribe!
We'll keep you updated on our social media in the meantime so be sure to check those out as well!